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Category Archives: Blog

Airbnb’s Unforeseen Consequences

Living in the 21st Century has brought about several new changes. Smartphones are now household items capable of tremendous processing power and instant communication with virtually anyone in the world, artificial intelligence is now capable of driving a car and the world is enamoured with applications. From social networking apps such as Facebook and Twitter,…
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Top Ten Fintech Companies

Since the dawn of the 21st century, we as a collective society have seen a dramatic increase in the use of technology. Computers have gotten more intelligent, files are easily accessible almost 24 hours a day through cloud computing and our mobile phones and tablets are quite literally a part of our everyday lives. And…
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Instant Film: The Future of Photography?

Think about the last time that you took a picture. It was, more than likely, a few hours ago. Possibly even a few days. Regardless of when you took it, it was probably taken digitally on your smartphone. Digital photography has taken over the world. According to a New York Times report, market research firm…
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